get the right questions in front of the right prospects at the right time
it's hard to manage what you can't measure. Now you can.
show clients the risk areas they can't afford to ignore.
quantify and track improvements based on your mutual efforts.
prioritize and highlight the action items that improve your clients risk position.
display assessments, action plans, and agency value all in one place
offer an enterprise-level risk assessment they aren't getting from the incumbent.
bridge the gap between your best and the rest
understand what your clients prioritize like never before
measure a clients' full risk profile, from insurance to employee benefits, safety, perpetuation planning & beyond
Whether it's agency resources or your niche expertise, find an answer to the question "why you?"
Uncover the root issues before jumping into solutions. Assess how daily operations, behaviors, and decision-making create risk.
Go deeper with your prospects and clients and uncover more information than ever before. Focus on the client relationship – while LAUNCH proves the value of that relationship
thoughtfully turnkey x infinitely customizable =🚀
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